- The account
number furnished is not correct. As per this office records, the Account
#e relates to Sri./Smt. #
- Name of Father/Husband furnished in Form # differs from PF
office records.
- Details such as Date and reason for leaving service/Date
of joining in Employees Provident Funds etc; have not been furnished by
the employer in Form 5/10
- Waiting period of 2 months has not been completed. The
application may be retransmitted on or after #.
- The # has not # the application on page No. #
- Benefits under EPF Scheme/EDLI Scheme and Employees'
Pension Scheme cannot be paid through joint account. The applicant has to
open a savings bank account in any scheduled bank including co-operative
bank. In the case of monthly pension, the applicant has to open a savings
bank account in any of the designated banks namely, STATE BANK OF INDIA, BANK
- Your accounts has already been settled and an amount of Rs. # credited to your savings bank account/transferred to your present provident fund account No. AP/----/---#e.
- In case the establishment is under
lockout/closure/winding up proceedings, etc, and the authorised signitory
is not available, the applicant may obtain the application attested by the
manager of the bank in which SB account is maintained.
- Your signature in form # does not agree with that of
this office records.
- Your name furnished in Form # differs from this office
- Break in
reckonable service and particulars of non-contributory service, details of
the wages drawn during the 12 months preceeding the date of exit etc. have
to be furnished by the employer in the format enclosed.
- The applicant
has not affixed on rupee Revenue stamp and signed over it. Page No. # of
application Form # refers.
- The
applicant has completed minimum qualifying service of 10 years for
claiming monthly member's pension, at the age of 50/58 years. Therefore,
withdrawal benefit cannot be paid. At present the applicant may obtain a
scheme certificate for claiming pension, for which the application in Form
10C has to be submitted by retaining option (a) against item number 8 of
the Form 10C. Documentary evidence for proof of age of children below 25
years also has to be submitted along with the application.
- A sum of
Rs. # (Rupees # only) has to be remitted to Pension Fund Account number 10
maintained by State Bank of India, in order to regularise the break in
reckonable service and make the applicant eligible for pension. The
application has to be resubmitted along with the challan of remittance.
- The
applicant becomes eligible for reduced pension on exit from service and
after attaining 50 years of age, provided the minimum qualifying eligible
service of 10 years has been completed/reckoned. Superannuation pension or
retirement pension is payable on exit from service after attaining 58
years of age and 20 years of eligible service.
- As per this
office records, the applicant has completed # years of age as on date,
where as it is # years with reference to the date of birth furnished in
the application in Form 10D (EPS). Documentary evidences has to be
produced in support of the date of birth, furnished in the application,
such as extracts of SSLC book, School Admission Register, Driving Licence,
Passport,Income Tax PAN, etc. Normally Date of Birth once furnished cannot
be altered for obtaining Pension benefit
- Documentary
evidences have to be produced in support of the age of children who are
below 25 years. #,#.
- Pension is
- The
applicant has to exercise option regarding commutation of pension against
item No. 9 on page 2 of the Form 10D(EPS)
- The
applicant has to state whether he/she opts for Return of Capital, and in
case of option in favour of Return of Capital, sub item (1),(2) or (3) of
item 10 has to be specified. In case of option is in favour of item
10(2),the nominee for Return of Capital should be a person other than the
spouse of the applicant.
- Three
passport size photographs (jointly with spouse) have to be produced duly
counter signed and identified on the back side of them by the employer.
- The
applicant does not have the minimum eligible service under Employees'
Pension Scheme to claim monthly pension. Application in Form 10C - Format
enclosed - may be submitted to claim Scheme Certificate together with the
supporting documents, or to claim one time withdrawal benefit by
specifying option (a) or (b) against item 8 of the application in Form
- Death
Certificate in original along with two attested copies have to be
- The
applicant has contributed to Employees' Pension Scheme for less than six
months and therefore not eligible for any pensionary benefts.
- Applicant
has not specified whether he/she opts for withdrawal benefit or Scheme
Certificate by way of option against item 8(a) or (b) of the application
in Form 10C.
- The
applicant is not eligible for monthly pension as he/she left service prior
to April 1993.
- Details of
contributions for the current period viz; # to # have not been furnished
in the application. Contributions have to be recovered from the wages for
the period upto and including the month in which the applicant left
service. They may be obtained in the format enclosed.(F 3A)
- Nomination
in Form 2 is not available. Therefore, the E.P.F. and E.D.L.I benefits are
payable equally among the members of family as per para 2(g) of the
scheme, subject to the restrictions prescribed. Certificate regarding family
members has to be obtained in the format enclosed either from the employer
or from the Tahasildar of the revenue jurisdiction. Among the family
members the following category gets the first priority viz., spouse, minor
sons, unmarried daughters and dependent parents.
- For paying
assurance benefits under EDLI Scheme 1976,the member must have died while
in service and his/her name would not have been removed from the muster-
roll and such facts must be certified by the employer in the prescribed
format in Form 5(IF) enclosed. As in the case of EPF benefits, the EDLI
(Assurance) benefits are also payable to the nominee/family members/legal
- In the case
of Advances on medical grounds in connection with hospitalisation of
family members, the application is valid only if it is submitted before
expiry of the period of hospitalisation. Relationship of the patient to
the applicant has to be specified in the Medical Certificate. The Medical
Certific- ate must mention that it is a case of hospitalisation for one
month or more as inpatient in connection with TB, Paralysis, Leprosy,
Cancer, Mental derangement or Heart ailment; or it is a case of major
surgical operation. In the case
- In the case
of treatment of the applicant, Advance is allowed in connection with
treatment for Paralysis, TB, Leprosy, Cancer, Mental derangement, or Heart
ailment. Withdrawal is also allowed in connection with hospitalised
treatment for one month or more in connection with any other disease or
for major surgical operation subject to fulfillment of the following
conditions. The employer must have sanctioned leave for the period of
hospitalisation. The member must have ceased to be eligible for cash
benefit under ESI scheme, or he must not be
- In the case
of purchase of Flat/House/Dwelling site, etc; the application should be
accompanied by a declaration-cum-undertaking, in the enclosed format, as
well as the agreement of sale in original/certified copy. The agreement
should specify that the property will be transferred in favour of the
applicant or jointly in favour of the applicant and the spouse. Agreement
which contains optional clause for transfer in favour of a third party is
not acceptable.
- In the case
of withdrawal for additions and alterations, a period of 5 years should
have expired after the construction was over and completion report in
Annexure XIII (format enclosed) has to be submitted.
- In the case
of withdrawal for second alteration/repairs a period of 10 years should
have expired after the first alterations and the fact has to be recorded
in the declaration form as well as completion report in Annexure XIII
(format enclosed).
- For
availing withdrawal in connection with repayment of House Building Advance
availed from approved Financial Institutions, Nationalised Banks, State
Governments, Housing Boards, Development authorities etc; the applicant
should have completed 10 years membership and a certificate from the
lending authority should have been obtained in the prescribed proforma -
format enclosed. The lending authority should have sanctioned the advance
in connection with purchase of house/flat or construction of house, in the
name of applicant/
- It is
noticed that House Building Advance of Rs. # availed during # for purchase
of site/construction of house was misused. Therefore, it has been decided
to recover the same together with penal interest @ 2% per annum (simple
interest). The applicant becomes eligible for a second withdrawal only
after the recovery is over and a period of 3 years expired after the
incidence of misuse.
- For
availing withdrawal in connection with substantial alterations to the
house a period of 5 years should have expired after the construction was
over. Moreover, the fact of completion of construction should have been
intimated in the completion certificate in Annexure XIII - format
- The
applicant has not completed the prescribed period of membership in the
fund viz; # years for availing withdrawal under para # of the EPF Scheme
in connection with housing advance/Repayment of Housing advance or advance
in connection with marriage/post matriculation studies as the case may be.
- The
application is not supported by the relevant certificate. Certificates A
to F provided in the application refers. Certificate # has to be
- There is no
sufficient amount at your credit in the employee's share. In order to
consider payment of refundable withdrawal from employer's share, in
connection with closure, lock out, a specific undertaking is required to
the effect that the advance will be refunded by way of salary recovery in
install- ments immediately on resumption of work or re-opening.
- The period
of agreement has expired. The agreement may be got revalidated.
- The amount
payable exceeds Rs. 2000/- and therefore payment by Money Order cannot be
allowed. The applicant has to open a Savings Bank Account in any Scheduled
Bank including Co-Operative Bank, mention its details in the application,
and furnish an advance statmped receipt in the prescribed space in the
application form.
- The
declaration-cum-undertaking is defective in as much as columns # are left
unfilled/ the declaration is not signed/countersigned.
- For
allowing pre-retirement withdrawal of 90% one year prior to the date of
retirement, the applicant should have completed 54 years of age or more.
The date of retirement has to be certified by the employer.
- A
certificate from the educational institution where the student is
undergoing post matriculation studies, duly mentioning the relation of the
student with the applicant is required together with estimated expenses of
the course of study.
- The rules
prescribed by the schemes framed under the EPF & MP Act, 1952 do not
permit to grant any withdrawal for the purpose specified in the
- The
applicant is not eligible for the advance applied for, as three advances
have been already availed under Para 68K of the EPF Scheme.
- The
applicant was sanctioned withdrawal of Rs. # for purchasing a dwelling
site/House during #. An attested copy of the registered title of purchase,
along with the declaration in Annexure XIII has to be submitted
immediately. Otherwise, it will be considered that, the withdrawal was
misused and that the amount is liable to be recovered with penal interest
of 2 % per annum.
- The
applicant purchsed another property after sometime of availing the advance
for a lesser amount and did not refund the unutilised amount of Rs.# This
owes an explanation duly countersigned by the employer with his comments.
More over, the balance amount is liable to be refunded along with penal
interest of 2 % per annum.
- Application
for withdrawal in connection with construction/addition to the house
should be supported by details such as registration number,survey number
of the property in which the construction/addition is proposed, duly owned
by the applicant or jointly owned by the applicant and the spouse. The
additional declaration and undertaking should contain details regarding
estimate of construction, building permit number etc: If the
constuction/addition is proposed in property situated in places where the
Building Regulations Act are
- Applicant
does not have sufficient amount at his/her credit.
- Advance for
purchase of site/house cannot be granted since the registration of the
property is already over.
- Advance for the purchase of house/dwelling site can be sanctioned only if the purchase is on behalf of the member or jointly in the name of the member and spouse.