- What is EPF Form 11?
EPF Form 11 is a self-declaration form that needs to be filled by the employee at the time of joining an organization which is covered under the Employees Provident Fund (EPF) scheme as per the EPF Act, 1952. All details of the employee’s previous EPF account have to be mentioned in the form.
The form is also used to automatically transfer the amount from the previous PF account to the new EPF account. Earlier, an employee had to fill Form 13 for transferring PF to the new EPF account. However, after the introduction of modified Form 11, the automatic transfer request is included in this form itself.
- Purpose of Form 11
Form 11 serves the following purposes:
If the new employee was a member of the Employees’ Provident Fund Scheme earlier, he will continue to get benefits of the scheme but under a new Member ID.
If the new employee was not a member of EPFO during his past employment or was not employed before and his salary is more than ₹ 15,000 p.m. in the new employment, he can opt not to contribute for EPF/EPS. Such an employee is known as an Excluded Employee. Members receiving PF pension or those who have withdrawn their PF at an earlier date are also considered as excluded employees.
The form can also be used to automatically transfer the PF amount from the previous account to a new one.
This declaration form also enables the Provident Fund Department to maintain a comprehensive database which contains important details of the employees. It also helps them significantly during inspections, audits, cross-checking or verification of facts.
- While filling the form, you will be asked to submit the following details-
Name of the employee
Date of birth of the employee
Father’s/Husband’s name
Mobile Number
E-mail id
Relationship of the employee with EPS and EPF schemes
Previous employment details such as the UAN, last working day, scheme certificate number
Educational details
Marital status
KYC details including bank account number, Driver’s license, etc.
Passport (in case of foreign employees)
Additionally, the following documents must be provided by the employer-
Employee’s Date of Joining
Provident Fund ID number assigned to the employee
UAN of the employee
Verification of the employee’s details
How to Fill Form 11
You have to enter following details in Form 11:
Personal Information such as:
Name of the member
Father’s Name or Spouse’s Name (whichever is applicable)
Date of Birth
Gender (The form provides for three options to select from – Male, Female and Transgender)
Marital Status
Contact Details – Email ID and Mobile Number
Details related to previous employer and participation in EPF and EPS:
Whether earlier a member of Employee’s Provident Fund Scheme, 1952
Whether earlier a member of Employee’s Pension Scheme, 1995
If the individual has marked the answer in affirmative regarding participation in any of the two schemes, some additional data points are required to be furnished:
UAN or Universal Account Number
Previous PF or Provident Fund Account Number
Date of exit from previous employment in the format dd/mm/yyyy
Scheme Certificate No. (if issued)
Pension Payment Order (PPO) No. if issued
International workers need to provide the following details:
Country of Origin
Passport Number
Validity of passport
KYC Details:
Self-attested copies of the following documents need to be attached along with this form:
Bank Account and IFSC
Aadhaar Number
Permanent Account Number (PAN)
Undertaking by the Employee
Read the declaration mentioned in the form and sign the undertaking. Do not forget to mention the date and place of signing the undertaking.
- Declaration by Present Employer
The present employer, i.e. the new organization that the employee has joined, is required to take necessary actions as mentioned below and fill up the concerned details and sign and seal the same. It also has to provide a declaration containing details regarding the information provided by an employee. This declaration contains the following points:
Date of joining of the employee
PF ID number/Member ID assigned to the employee
UAN of employee
Verification of KYC credentials
Submission of EPF Form 11
Once you have filled Form 11, submit it to the employer. The employer signs the form and puts his stamp on the form. He then submits the form in the regional EPF office.
- Responsibility of the Employer of the Establishment
Get the declaration form (New format of Form No. 11) duly filled by all the new entrants within a time period of one month and upload the information in the UAN portal within a time period of 25 days from the end of every month.
Share the UAN details as generated by EPFO to all existing members of the fund within 15 days from the receipt of UAN and get their acknowledgment on the same.
Take responsibility for UAN activation of employees within 15 days of dissemination of such information.
Seed KYC details (PAN, Aadhaar and bank account details) of such members within a month of the receipt of UAN.
In cases where the members do not possess an Aadhaar card, the employer should get the Aadhaar Acknowledgement Slip submitted within a month from the time of receipt of UAN.
Whenever the employer receives Aadhaar information of the employee, he/she is required to upload the Aadhaar details on UAN Portal within 15 days of receiving such information.
Claim forms before being sent to the EPFO should be complete in all respects from the end of the employer such as all relevant KYC information should be linked to the UAN.
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